Saturday, April 25, 2009

the girls in their summer dresses...

the droning sound of a lawn mower has silenced the robins' song as it rejoiced at the start of a new day...proudly sitting upon its nest in the tree outside my balcony...the smell of newly mown grass tickles my nose and i sneeze...three sneezes...the voices of people are loud and intrusive as though if they speak louder someone will notice them and the mating ritual will begin...what is this thing...this spring??...were it based on nature and the glory of miraculous buds blooming and blue robins' eggs, i could also partake in the celebration...instead it is a mania that inflicts the human race...not a happiness...a desperation...

the long winter months silenced their vulgar sounds and kept their necks inside car windows, it muffled the drunken debates and kept them away...the parade has begun and i don't like parades...clowns upside down and right side up...costumes and floats and screams of 'look at me'...the childishness of peoples' needs is nothing short of pathetic...

i remember a short story by Irwin Shaw entitled ' the girls in their summer dresses ' and how i marvelled at his ability as a man to notice the depth of the pain suffered by a woman in love with a man who is always looking at the passing parade....

the male character Michael says to his wife Frances...'you don't have to listen to this'...'.but i like the girls in the offices, neat with their eyeglasses, smart, chipper, knowing what everything is about..i like the girls on forty-fourth street at lunchtime, the actresses all dressed up...i like the salesgirls in the stores, paying attention to you first because you are a man, leaving lady customers waiting...i got all this stuff accumulated in me because i've been thinking about it for ten years, and now you've asked for it and here it is...'....i think of all of the girls on parade in the city...i don't know whether it's something special with me or whether every man walks around with the same feeling inside him, but i feel as though i'm at a picnic in the city....and when the warm weather comes...the girls in their summer dresses.'

.....his wife cries silently into her handkerchief, bent over so that nobody would notice...'at least do me one favour', she says...'keep it to yourself.  i'm not interested.'

i truly believe that women are motivated by their need to hurt other women...that their power is achieved by displacing a woman who threatens them, intellectually, physically or by simply being in love with a man...they are devious, envious, manipulative creatures incapable of true friendship and loyalty...they are the problem..not the men who strain to look at the parade the women create...their power is displaced and basic...whatever their career or their position in society...something never changes...the game of competition and the game of deceit...we have not been emancipated...women have remained enslaved by the very nature of their being...equality is not is superior...woman has much to learn.

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